Without data your just another person with an opinion

AutoTagManager understands that bad data collection can be worse than no data when it comes to investing money and resource.

Your service needs to understand:

  • Identifiers: Who is your customer
  • Acquisition: Where did they come from
  • Behaviour: What did they do on site
  • Conversion: What did they buy

Your service needs measurement

AutoTagManager AI offers:

  • GA4 health check
  • Marketing Event Funnel Analysis
  • Digital Maturity Audit

Good targeting requires prep

  • Review Consent Policy and Terms & Conditions
  • Audience Maturity Audit
  • Audit Identifier Collection
  • AutoTagManagers Audience Health Checker

GA4 Health Check

Marketing Event Funnel Analysis

Digital Maturity Audit

Review Consent Policy and Terms & Conditions

Audit Identifier Collection

Audience Health Check