Automatic Analytics Audit

AutoTagManagers Google Analytics 4 auditing feature provides a detailed report with improvement plan with just a few clicks.

Understand your Analytics in detail to be able to identify areas of improvement and drive best practice with your analytics collection and processing.

  • Connect

    Connect your GA4 account and select the property you want to audit

  • Select Reporting Format

    Choose from 3 reporting types

    1. PDF
    2. Power Point 
    3. Google Slides
  • Sit back & watch the magic

    In minutes your professional 120 point analytics report will be ready to view

  • 120 Point Health Check

    • Tagging & Account Configuration 
    • Check your Data integrity
    • Ensure you have the right integrations for insight and activation 
    • Establish Best Practice
  • AutoTagManager is Automatic with clear pricing

    • Remove the need to hire an agency and the hourly rates that come with them
    • Remove the need for meetings and the payroll hours that go with them
  • Useful Recommendations

    At AutoTagManager, we don’t believe in providing advice unless there is value. 

  • Customisable Reporting

    • +30 languages available
    • Add your own branding and theme ensuring your reporting is on brand
    • Select from 3 formats: PDF, PowerPoint or Google Slides